This page contains pieces of paranormal evidence that PIRCOM members have
caught in the following circumstances:
1. During an investigation that we were unable to publicize due to anonymity.
2. During personal investigations of property outside of PIRCOM sponsored events,
such as vacations, tours, personal homes, etc...
3. Materials sent to us from other professional or amateur groups
that were considered possible evidence.
Breath in residential bedroom.mp3
Get out of my house please stop.mp3
Spirit says "Yeah" in bedroom.mp3
Scream from abandoned asylum.mp3
Wash. Twp. Cem. "Careful".mp3
Hollister St. House, "Help Me".mp3
Tillson St. House "I wanna get out"
Tillson St House unknown evp.mp3
"Please direct me, I'm not dead!"
PHOTOS--Click to enlarge
Soldier's Museum/Orphanage, Gettysburg PA |

Photo taken of guide when asked to take pic of children. Before and after pics were clear. |
Witch House, Salem MA |

Female appirition seen in left window. |
Cemetery mist in Florida. |

Light anomaly in residential bedroom. |
