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Case #: 10-O-018-LG


Investigation:             Residential                  Commercial


Location: Oxford, MI


Date: November 20, 2010


Client: L.G.


Time at start of investigation: 7:30 PM


Time at conclusion of investigation: 12:10 AM


Total duration at investigation site: 4 hours, 40 minutes


Investigators present: Steve-Lead Investigator, psychic

                                      Dee-Lead Investigator


                                      Cheri-Investigator, psychic

                                      Denise-Investigator, psychic





Forms completed and signed:          History            Release Waiver


Description of location and surrounding area: Ranch style home on basement in newly developed subdivision. Many empty lots on street, rural area far from main road.


Area history: A tornado outbreak started across the Upper Plains states on May 24, 1896. Late during the evening hours of May 25, another F5 tornado touched down and moved northeast for about 30 miles (48 km). The system affected portions of Oakland, Lapeer and Livingston Counties northwest of Detroit. Areas affected included Thomas, Ortonville and Oakwood just after 9:00 pm. With 47 deaths, this is the second deadliest tornado ever in Michigan trailing only the Flint Tornado of 1953 which killed 116 in Genessee County just outside Flint. Nine of the fatalities were in a single home in Ortonville and parts of some homes were found dozens of miles away. Twenty-two people were killed in Ortonville, ten in Oakwood, three in Thomas, four in North Oxford and three in Whigville with others in rural areas. This property is located in North Oxford.

During the early 19th century the northeast Oakland County area was largely avoided by the early settlers because it was believed to be nothing but impenetrable swamp land. The area was, at that time, nicknamed "The Barren Plains of Oxford." It was called this primarily because of a report, which was made in 1812 by the U.S. Surveyor General that described the area as a poor, barren, sandy land, on which scarcely any vegetation could grow with the exception of some very small scrubby oaks. It was concluded in the surveyors' report that there was one acre out of one hundred that appeared to be eligible for cultivation. Any hope for crop production was thought to be preposterous. At this point, the area was deemed worthless and discouragement of any hope for development by forthcoming settlers was inevitable. Purchase of public land in what is now called Oxford was in 1823 by a man named Elbridge G. Deming. Soon after, the first person to settle in Oxford was a wolf trapper named Avery Brown. He made use of the land and gave some credibility to its value. It wasn't long after that the first area post office was officially established in what was then known as Demingsburgh on May 2, 1834. Five years later, the name was officially changed to Oxford on January 15, 1839.

Client claims: Son feels uncomfortable all of the time in his bedroom and sees orbs coming in and out. Daughter has seen a young girl in her bedroom and an older woman who looks in her door to check on her frequently. Bedroom closet is always very cold. Front door has been found open on several occasions even when dead bolt was engaged. Property was salted and door activity ceased until one day when daughter came through and the storm door shattered. CD’s in living room have been found on floor. Colander in kitchen sink was found upside down in center of kitchen floor-had moved four feet. Walk in closet off master bathroom has had all of her drawers found open in the morning. Object was thrown off of son’s dresser in same week. Client and son witnessed a vaporous figure walk from the front of the house into the living room. Neighbor told them their house was cursed. Neighborhood is believed to have a Native American prosperity curse associated with it and there is a lot of animosity among the neighbors. A cat has been heard in the home. A young man with dark hair has been seen numerous times walking from the garage across the front of the house, looking at the field across the street and then turning back. Son has seen a boy with blonde hair. Former house sitter quit because they did not want to come into the house-felt as if being watched. A male presence has been reported to have touched a hairdressing client’s hair.  Constantly replacing light bulbs and circuit breaker issues. Clients believe the land holds the key to their paranormal experiences.

Location history: Land formerly Native American. An F-5 tornado ripped through this area in 1896 killing many people. House was built in 2004. Property formerly owned by Jim Guy. Probably farmland.

Weather at time of investigation:     Outdoor temp.  32 deg. F

Dew point  23 deg. F

Humidity 69%

Precip. none

Wind  East 4.6 mph

Visibility 10 miles, scattered clouds

Time of Sunset  5:06 PM

Moon Phase   Full moon, 99% lit       

Indoor temp. averages:



Average Temp. (F)

EMF Baseline

Master closet



Master bathroom



Master bedroom



Front room office



Laundry room



Son’s bedroom



Front bathroom



Daughter’s bedroom









Dining room


0.08-0.70 (spike)

Living room











Equipment used: 5 infrared video cameras, 5 digital audio recorders, 2 infrared surveillance cameras recording to a VCR, K-2 meter, EMF/temperature data recorder, PX Box, Ghost Box


Equipment placement: 1 infrared video camera in master closet facing drawers, 1 infrared video camera in basement corner by furnace, 1 surveillance camera in daughter’s bedroom overlooking room, 1 surveillance camera in son’s room facing desk and window, 1 infrared video camera in living room set on mantle overlooking room and front door. All other equipment hand held by investigators.


Psychic/Medium perceptions prior to arrival: Cheri sensed Indian burial grounds on this property. She also “saw” a turtle, a creek, a herd of buffalo, and a window with a tree. (The window and tree are in the daughter’s room with a creek visible and a sculptured turtle is on her desk.)  Steve noted poltergeist activity and a little boy and little girl. Denise felt pulled to the basement before she knew there was a basement to the home.


Psychic/Medium perceptions during investigation: Denise picked up on a young girl, about 11 from the 1850’s, in the daughter’s bedroom named Alice. She was waiting for her family and was sad. She enjoys playing with the daughter’s dolls and frequently looks out of the window. She considers the daughter her friend. She may have come to this property to play with a little girl, but died of fever (cholera?), milk weed? Steve sensed someone in the basement that needed to be dealt with. Steve sensed burials on the property. Three spirits are sensed by Steve and Denise in son’s bedroom. Denise feels that the main spirit is intimidating the boy through the window and enjoying it. Steve describes him as a 25 year old drifter with shaggy brown hair. The other two spirits are attached to the main spirit. Steve senses the focal point of the activity is in the rear corner of the basement-where the spirits retreat. Older boys are controlling Alice and holding spirits captive. Chestice(?), Peter, Anthony are names Steve and Denise came up with in the basement. Anthony is designated as the ring leader from upstairs. Anthony is claiming this is his house and still believes his shack is on the property and everyone is trespassing. He was a farmer. He is very unhappy about the client’s hair salon business in the basement. Cheri mentioned possible residual energy coming from the many garage sale type items in the home including the wood used in the basement and the quarried boulders outside. Cheri saw an anomaly cross through the master bathroom into the walk in closet and up to the attic access panel. Cheri felt a presence in the daughter’s closet and noted that it will always be cold. She feels a hot spot at the tree outside the daughter’s window (a lilac tree that has bloomed twice in one season) and that is where the spirits enter and flow toward the closet. The daughter must be psychically sensitive. Cheri picked up on Native American land and herding reindeer. Cheri, Steve, and Denise all picked up on an asylum/sanitarium/hospital on the premises and saw patients of all ages. 31 spirits total were detected in the home. Steve reported that many of the souls attached to this property were involved in a bad tornado without prior knowledge of the tornado the client told us about.


Investigator personal experiences on site: Dave felt pressure on his head in son’s bedroom during psychic tour. Denise experienced several emotional moments while interacting with the spirits in the home, culminating in a brief period of possible possession by “Anthony” during the home cleansing. Denise and Grace experienced temperature fluctuations in basement on command. Dee felt symptoms similar to taking off on an airplane in basement during Cheri’s interaction with “Anthony” (ears popping, anxiousness, upset stomach) which coincided with Steve and Cheri feeling sick to their stomachs at the same time, Cheri thought she saw a “hand” shaped shadow coming from the hole in the attic roof. Cheri saw a sparkling in the tree outside the daughter’s window. Dave photographed orbs congregating around Denise as she reported to be drawing spirits together in order to release them.


Investigation summary: When we arrived at the property we were greeted by the client who gave us a tour of the home with regards to paranormal hot spots. Steve and Denise conducted their psychic tour of the property following the client tour. They were outside during the client tour. Dave led the tech set up and equipment was placed in hot spot areas. Teams divided as follows and began investigating in the following locations:

            Team 1: Steve, Cheri, Dee in the attic through the garage access

            Team 2: Doug, Dave in master bedroom, bath, and closet

            Team 3: Grace, Denise, Laura in basement


Team 1 spent a lot of time debunking the shadows in the attic.


Teams switched locations one hour into investigation:

            Team 1: basement

            Team 2: master bedroom, bath, and closet

            Team 3: children’s bedrooms


Team 3 had responses on PX Box talking about “retards” and “actors”. Possible connection to a poor farm near by?


The entire team met in the living room for a communication session. No scientific activity was reported during this time. Cheri and Grace smudged the inside of the home with sage as Steve, Laura, Denise, Dave, and Dee went outside. Denise claimed to be releasing the spirits of the home through her and this took a tremendous toll on her emotionally. Upon re-entering the home she collapsed on the couch and was apparently briefly possessed and required smudging and prayers to release her. Meanwhile, Cheri went outside to continue cleansing and when she re-entered the home she looked angry and as Grace tried to approach her with the sage, she yelled to get away from her. This is completely unlike Cheri’s personality.


Evidence review and findings: Light bulbs in hairdressing area would not work at end of investigation even though they had been on all evening. A bulb in the master bath no longer worked either. This coincides with the client’s claims of constant light bulb replacements.


            Digital recorder running during psychic walk through recorded the

            following EVP’s:

·         “No” Alice answers question in daughter’s room at 4 min.

·         “Right now I can’t” Anthony answers question at 25 min, 39 sec in the basement


Digital recorder in attic captured the following EVP:


·         Sigh at 20 sec


Stationary digital recorder in basement captured the following EVP’s:


·         Whistle in response to question at 33 min 22 sec

·         “Come on Denise” at 38 min 50 sec

·         “I can’t” at 52 min 34 sec (same response as during psychic walk through, but captured at a different time during the investigation by a different recorder)


Infrared video camera in basement captured the following:


·         55:30 possible voice

·         56:50 orb (circles around Denise after she notes a spirit presence)

·         59:22-:30 orbs (changes direction mid-flight)

·         1:13:10 light (appears in center of frame)

·         2:10:45 pin light anomaly (appears and disappears in center of frame)


Infrared video camera in master bedroom closet captured the following:


·         22:44 orb (appears over Cheri when she allows a spirit to use her energy)

·         23:10-:53 (orbs fly after Cheri & Denise leave, only time this happens on the two hour video. Heat blowing and dust as other investigators left was debunked)

·         52:37 (orb changes direction mid-flight as investigators heard a clicking sound coming from the direction the orb came from)


Historical research into the possibility of a poorhouse or sanatorium near the area resulted in the following:

·         Oakland County Tuberculosis Sanatorium 1937-1942

·         Oakland County Poorhouse, Pontiac

·         Genessee County Poorhouse, Flint


Final summary: We would like to thank the family for inviting us into their home. With the perceptions collaborated by three psychics on the case along with audio and visual evidence captured during this investigation, it is the opinion of PIRCOM that this property did indicate signs of an intelligent haunting. During our investigation of this property our psychics claim to have removed 31 spirits from the home. Upon arrival of the children back into the house they claimed it felt “bigger” and the daughter claimed someone was missing from her room. We hope this is a sign that all will be peaceful from now on in the home and that the children will no longer be afraid in the home. We will remain in contact to follow up on any further activity.


Reveal/Follow up: Clients were very impressed with our findings and were appreciative of our services. The children feel at peace in the home now and happiness has returned to the family. No further paranormal activity has been reported since our investigation.


Report compiled by lead investigators Steve and Dee for

Paranormal Investigators and Research Council of Michigan


