Ridge Cemetery
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Applegate, Michigan

Please abide by dawn to dusk regulations unless given permission by local police department to be here after dark.

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Unusual mist formation around one of our investigators



Ridge Cemetery

Applegate, Michigan


One lazy Saturday afternoon in July, 2008 the PIRCOM president and vice president headed up north to the home of one of our members.  This member said he had plenty of haunted cemeteries to investigate near his house just north of Lexington, Michigan.  Dee and I arrived at this member’s house around 4:00PM that day.  There was dinner and a long briefing on what and where we would be going, seeing and doing that night.  Once the sun was getting low in the sky we were well into our investigation of the 3rd cemetery.  This is where things started to pick up.  There were sightings of shadows being seen out of the corners of people’s eyes and many more things happening.  It was dark by the time we got to Ridge Cemetery, the last one on the list.  The time was around 10:00 PM.  I looked up and the night sky was filled with bright stars as far as I could see.   I entered the cemetery with the others as we stood there and decided to split up into 2 teams.  One went left and the other went right.  I was going left with one investigator and Dee was headed right with the other.  This is when I pulled out my digital camera and started taking pictures.  I was getting orbs and ectoplasmic mist as well.  Now I sensed there was a ghost coming out to meet us so I pulled out my tape recorder, turned it on, and started taking EVP’s.  EVP’s are Electronic Voice Phenomenon.  I was asking all the standard questions when I heard voices whispering past my ears.  Then I felt the hair stand up on the back of my neck.  I was not scared for I knew this was the presence of a ghost.  The other investigator was happy that we were getting something.  He nudged me and said “see, see I told you this place was very haunted!”  I put my tape recorder on the tombstone of a man named Gerald and asked the spirit if he would show himself and speak into the red light of my tape recorder? I found out later that he said “hello”. Once we rounded the back of the cemetery we ran into Dee and the other investigators.  This is when we were talking and all of us felt a very strange feeling come over us.  I said to Dee “that was strange” and Dee said on the tape “yes” just as the spirit voice of a little girl said “happy!”  If you wish to hear her, the EVP is posted above this story.  Once 11:00PM arrived we had to go.  It was a 2 hour trip home via the highway.  We wanted to go back in the future to do a follow up on ridge cemetery but our ties to the up north investigator ended in January of 2009.

