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Willow Grove Cemetery
Armada, Michigan
I found out about Willow Grove Cemetery back in the year 2001 from
a close friend. That was back when I was the president of BOPIAR. We did an investigation one Saturday night and it was as active then as it is today. I will remember that night for the rest of my life. We ended
the investigation around 4:00AM that morning. I got home and to bed by around
5:00AM. I had not been in bed 10 minutes and was just beginning to
doze off. All of a sudden both of my legs at the same time lifted off the bed
and dropped 3 times in a row! I sat up and told whatever had followed me home
to get the hell out of my house right away! Right at that point the vertical
blinds rattled as the spirit (or whatever it was) immediately exited my home. I
have investigated this place over and over again for years now. I recently went back to Willow Grove with PIRCOM to show them that it is a very active cemetery.
The first time it was with Dee, Dave, Leslie, and me. Dave felt a big spirit presence around him right away. Dee,
our resident skeptic, was doing what she does best-debunking everything she could. Leslie
was feeling it like Dave was. I was taking EVP’s for I know this place
is very active. When I was walking along a row of tombstones, I saw this one
that was a flat slab of shinny granite. Next
to this slab was a headstone and it had the name of the people buried there on it. I
went by and miss- pronounced it in a provoking way. When I got the time to sit
and go thru the EVP’s I heard the part where I did that. I mis-pronounced
the name on purpose hoping for a response. The voice of a lady came back with
the way it should have been pronounced. She was correcting me! I guess it was the spirit of the lady that was buried there next to her husband. They were both in the late 40’s and they both died on the same day.
Perhaps it could have been an accident, murder, your guess is as good as mine.
I guess we’ll never know for sure unless she has more to tell us in the future.
All I know is that Willow Grove Cemetery continues to be a very active location that rarely lets me down whenever
I go there.
Spirit corrects her name Heck.mp3