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Case #: 08-SH-002-UH


Investigation:             Residential                  Commercial


Location: Upton House, Sterling Heights, MI


Date: Aug. 19, 2008


Client: Debbie V.


Time at start of investigation: 7:00 PM EST


Time at conclusion of investigation: 9:00 PM EST


Total duration at investigation site: 2 h


Investigators present:  Steve-Lead Investigator, Dee-Lead Investigator


Forms completed and signed:          History            Release Waiver


Description of location and surrounding area: 2 story home on basement

located on corner of Dodge Park round-about and Utica Road in Sterling Heights, Macomb County.


Area history: Sterling Heights is a city in Macomb County of the U.S. state

            of Michigan, and one of Detroit's core suburbs. As of the 2000

            census, the city had a total population of 124,471. The Census

            Bureau's 2008 estimate placed the population at 127,160, making it

            the second largest Detroit suburb and the fourth largest city in



Client claims: Heard stories of people hearing strange sounds while holding

            meetings in the building.

Location history: Built in 1866-1867 by William and Sarah Aldrich Upton, the Upton House is one of a few surviving nineteenth century homes in Sterling Heights. It was the home of this prosperous farmer and merchant until 1891. The Upton farm of 136 acres is now the site of City Hall, the Justice and Library buildings, the Community Center and Stevenson High School. Outbuildings once included barns for horses and cattle; a windmill which provided water for the house and barns; a solid brick outhouse. The orchard was across Utica Road where the park parking lot is now. The Upton House is listed on the U.S. Register of Historic Places and is a Michigan Historical Landmark.

Weather at time of investigation:     Outdoor temp. 70 deg. F

Dew point 59 deg. F

Humidity 74

Precip. 0%

Wind 6 mph NNE            

Indoor temp. average 77 deg. F


Equipment used: 2 digital audio recorders, 2 digital cameras, EMF detector


Equipment placement: Digital audio recorder locked off in dining room


Psychic/Medium perceptions prior to arrival: None


Psychic/Medium perceptions during investigation: (See Steve’s report)


Investigator personal experiences on site: Investigators and client    

            witnessed velvet rope swinging for abnormally long time without

            reason while EMF field showed spike of 2.0 from 0.0 baseline at

            center of rope. Once rope stopped swinging, EMF was back at 0.0


Investigation summary: Debbie led tour of house and grounds. Steve gave

            psychic readings in various locations throughout home and all

            conducted EVP sessions in all rooms.


Evidence review and findings: Steve captured orbs on digital camera upon


5 EVPs were captured on digital audio recorders on first and second investigation of property. Segments converted using WavePad Sound Editor software.

                        1. Whistled tune is heard on recorder during EVP session at

                            8:00 PM. 

2. “Help Me, Steve” is whispered into recorder during psychic

     reading in front sitting room at 8:10 PM.

3. “Will you please go” is whispered into recorder as we were

     about to exit the basement during second investigation.

4. “I’m watching” is whispered into locked off recorder in

    dining room when no one was inside the building.

5. “Bobby” is spoken into Steve’s recorder when he asks for

     psychic confirmation of little boy’s name in upstairs


Possible apparition appeared in photo taken of Steve when he felt as if a spirit was communicating with him. “Help Me, Steve” EVP occurred simultaneously.


Final summary: PIRCOM asked to investigate this property even though no

            paranormal events were known to have happened there. We had the

            opportunity to investigate this property twice and were very pleased

            with the quality and amount of EVPs we were able to capture in this

            location. PIRCOM would like to thank Debbie for her invitation,

            hospitality, and extensive research which helped make this case very

            memorable everyone involved.




Report compiled by lead investigators Steve and Dee for

Paranormal Investigators and Research Council of Michigan







This case for PIRCOM came to light in August of 2008.  I got a call from Pircom’s case manager.  She had secured a date for an investigation of an historic house on Utica Road on Tuesday, the 19th of August. 


I told the investigators to study up on all the things surrounding the history of the home and property.  I did not study anything about the case, for that would make my powers of perception very weak in all areas.  When Tuesday arrived three of our members were ill, so I called Dee and told her that we were the only ones available. 



Dee and I arrived at the location about 5 minutes before 7:00PM on Tuesday, August 19th 2008.   Client, Debbie, came out and introduced herself to us then asked if we would like a brief tour. Dee had the digital tape recorder running as I took photos.   As Debbie started with the normal tour I felt the energy of the home and surrounding property change.  When we started thru the door into the home, Dee was still taking notes with the digital tape recorder and following Debbie and I thru the guided tour.  When we were upstairs the energy started getting stronger.  My attention was being drawn to many of the historic photos on the wall as well as Dee’s observations of a little girl’s play room with antique dolls in them.  Dee asked Debbie if she ever saw this thick red rope across the door swinging by itself?  Debbie said no, but many people have said the dolls look very creepy.  The rope was swinging at a fairly good pace with no other reasonable explanation.  No one had remembered bumping it and we were all further down the hallway for quite some time before returning to the roped off area.  Right then Dee took out her EMF detector, like all seasoned paranormal investigators, and ran a scan of the rope and surrounding door area.  The EMF reading was zero at the edges of the rope and spiked to a 2.0 in the center of the rope, consistently.  We stood there watching the rope until it finally slowed to a stop roughly ten minutes later.  Dee returned later on to debunk by jumping on the floor, banging the door frame, and bumping the rope.  None of these attempts replicated the earlier movement of the rope.  Dee then ran another EMF scan.  The scan showed a zero EMF field all around the rope.  No other factor in was changed.  I began taking photos at that point and more and more Orbs (Spirits/Ghost in the form of circles) started to show up on my digital camera upon request.  I got this very intense feeling to head on downstairs to the sitting room.


Once we all made it down the narrow staircase the energy around me became really strong.  Two EVPs were captured at this point as we entered the sitting room from the foyer (8:00 P.M.).  The first is a whistling sound that our digital recorder picked up.  It sounds like a male whistling.  A similar whistle happens twice. I mentioned to Debbie that I saw the spirit of a female across the room asking me to come over and talk.  Then Debbie, Dee and I made our way across the room.  I made my way thru the room and sat in the chair to the right of the front window.  Now at this time my energy was at maximum intensity.  I started to communicate with the spirit of a female who told me her name was Ella.  She was sitting next to me.  She wanted to tell me so much.  Her energy was very intense.  The second EVP occurred during this conversation and whispers “Help me, Steve.” very clearly (8:10 P.M.).  At the same time Dee was taking digital photos.  In the middle of the photos were two unexplainably “warped” light effects surrounding the area where I was sitting.  The pictures before and after were completely normal.  When I went back thru the audio portion of this investigation I could understand the intense energy surrounding “Ella”.  This spirit feels she is in need of my help.  She wants to tell me who is present in the house and what was going on there.  I can’t do that without a full, long term investigation.  Right now all I can say is that yes, this historic home is full of spirit activity.  What is to be done about this?  That is totally up to the owners of the property.

Follow up report (Aug. 24, 2008):  Debbie sent an email (8-24-08) explaining that she and another coworker, Joe, went back to the house to try and debunk some of the occurrences from our investigation.  They discovered that the rope would swing awhile if bumped, but this does not explain the change in EMF readings.  The rope has since been tightened so it will not swing as freely.  Debbie also researched the names I had provided during my reading in the sitting room. According to the census record, Ella (Duboice) was employed by the original family as their live-in servant.  Herman (Duboice) is most likely Ella’s brother.  Ella appeared to me in a black period dress of the 1800’s.  Neither Ella nor Herman was mentioned during the tour.  Debbie did not know the identity of these individuals until her follow up research.


This ends PIRCOM’s first investigation of the 

Utica Road House. 


Follow up report (Sept. 9, 2008):  The reveal of the investigation results took place at 7:00PM on Tuesday, Sept. 9 at the home location.  Both Debbie and Joe were present along with PIRCOM members Steve and Dee.  All evidence was reviewed including pictures and EVP samples.  A secondary investigation followed the reveal.  We were allowed to enter the basement for a first time investigation.  While we were down there, Dee left her digital recorder on the dining room table.  Two EVP’s were captured on this recording device.  All in all, this has been a rewarding case to work on.  The clients were amazing and accommodating.  We hope to be of further service to them in the future.