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Case #: 10-R-008-SP


Investigation:             Residential                  Commercial


Location: Grover Street


Date: February 19, 2010


Client:  S.P.


Time at start of investigation: 8:00 PM EST


Time at conclusion of investigation: 11:00 PM EST


Total duration at investigation site: 3 h


Investigators present:   Steve-Lead investigator, psychic

                                        Dee-Lead investigator

                                        Leslie-Investigator, psychic




Forms completed and signed:          History            Release Waiver


Description of location and surrounding area: 1 story house built on

            basement in residential neighborhood with large woods behind lot line.


Area history: Suburb of Metro Detroit. Historical homes associated with the

Underground Railroad in the area. 35.9 square miles.


Client claims: Family members have heard music, whispering, speaking

            voices, loud bangs, shutting of doors, abnormally cold spots that begin

            at the feet and slowly work up to the back. Music is heard while near

            the computer which cannot be traced to any inside or outside source.

            Unexplained rustling sounds emanate from the kitchen at all hours.

            Sounds of papers being shuffled in the master bedroom. A three foot

            tall black mass was seen in the master bathroom along with sounds of

            footsteps roaming through the house. Client heard the sounds of

           children playing on a playground that does not exist and a small child

           whispering in her ear while in the backyard. Unusual photo taken in

           backyard shows possible apparition. Son has seen an apparition of a

           farmer near back shed. Pet cat has reacted to seeing someone or

           something in the house. Phenomenon occurs at least once a week, but

           at no particular time of day or night. Adult male in household feels a

           presence in game room, but most of the activity takes place in the

           master bedroom. Occurrences began in March, 2009.


Location history: Home is 70 years old. Clients have lived in home for a little

            over 1 year. Remodeled with hard wood floors in September.


Weather at time of investigation:     Outdoor temp.  32 deg. F

Dew point 17 deg. F

Humidity 54%

Precip. 0

Wind  3.5 WNW              

Visibility  10 miles, partly cloudy

Sunset  6:11 PM EST

Indoor temp. average  75 deg. F


Equipment used:  2 surveillance cameras recording to VCRs, 4 digital audio

            recorders, 4 digital cameras, EMF/temp data recorder, K-2 meter


Equipment placement: 1 surveillance camera and VCR in master bedroom,

            1 surveillance camera and VCR on computer in main hallway, 1 digital

            audio recorder locked off with homeowner in game room. 1 digital

            audio recorder locked off in garage. The rest of the equipment was

            hand held through investigation.


Psychic/Medium perceptions prior to arrival: None noted.


Psychic/Medium perceptions during investigation:  (See Steve’s report)


Investigator personal experiences on site:  Both Dee and Grace

            simultaneously heard a child’s laughter while in master bedroom- 

            however no audio equipment or fellow investigators in the house heard



Investigation summary: Upon arrival the client led a tour of the premises

            (excluding our psychics) and gave descriptions of events that have

            occurred in the home. Following this tour, our psychics performed a

            walk through giving their perceptions of the spirits and energies of the

            home. Steve and Dave led equipment set up and split into teams.

            Team 1 (Dee, Grace and Leslie) began EVP sessions and baseline

            readings in the various rooms of the house while Team 2 (Steve and

            Dave) headed to the garage. Thirty minutes later we switched            

            locations. Thirty minutes later we all met back in the house and Team

           1 went to the master bedroom for an EVP session while Steve and

           Dave began breaking down the equipment.


Evidence review and findings: 7 points of interest were captured on our

                                                  digital audio recorders:

Audio recorder 1 (locked off in garage)- unusual popping sounds

                           were heard that the client could not account for.

Audio recorder 2 (master bedroom)- 1st evp says “cool” followed by

                                                               “Get Out”.

                                                                     2nd evp contains six barely

                                                                            audible words that seem to

                                                                            form a sentence.

                                                                     3rd evp spirit says “good luck”

                                                                            when investigators were

                                                                            talking about trying to get

                                                                            the cat to like them.

         4th evp contains unexplainable

                whistle not heard at time of

                recording during Leslie’s

                psychic reading.

Audio recorder 3 (game room)- 1st evp says “No”.

                                                             2nd evp says “Leave Him Alone”

                                                                     when Dee came to get

                                                                     homeowner and took him into

                                                                     the hallway for a moment.

1 anomalous photo of backyard shows a mist that was not seen in any

         other pictures before or after that one.

1 photo of garage shows possible face looking out of window.


Final summary: PIRCOM believes based on the evidence collected at this

            investigation combined with the claims of the home owners that this

            property is haunted. PIRCOM would like to thank them for allowing

            us the opportunity to investigate their lovely home and we are hopeful

            that we were able to answer their questions and confirm their beliefs

            about what was happening in their home and put their minds at ease.




Report compiled by lead investigators Steve and Dee for

Paranormal Investigators and Research Council of Michigan






It was the last week of February, 2010 when we came to the Grover St. house.  The home looked harmless and felt full of spirits as well as physical people.  The air was full of energy in and outside this home.  Dee started working with the clients as always.  This is when I started setting up with the audio visual team.  I was also delegating things out for the other investigators to do.  Soon enough the cameras were set and rolling inside the home.  This is when I took team # 2 out to the garage as we had a report of activity in there.  We did our best to make contact out there for about 30 minutes.  We did not feel that we were getting any results so we left a digital recorder in the garage and went back to the main house to warm up and switch places with team # 1.  Team # 1 headed outside to find out what they could.  Team # 2 headed into the back bedroom to set up a camera. Once that was done we left it running.  Then Dave and I head through the home on a freelance tour with the Mini Cam.  This camera didn’t pick up anything unusual.  Once Team # 1was back inside we all got together in the living room with the clients.  Then we talked about what we were finding.  The clients also talked about their personal experiences in the home.  Once that was over we did one more sweep of the property and the home.  Then we broke down and packed away the equipment for the night.  The next 5 days were spent looking and listening through the information we collected at the Grover St. home.  There were a few convincing photos.  Then I started listening to the digital recordings made in and outside the home.  I only got a few pops and click on the audio from the garage.  The audio from the home yielded many EVP’s.  Some were just noises and others were very audible voices saying many things.  The reveal was done 2 weeks later and the client was very impressed by our evidence.  At that time we all reassured the client that they were not in jeopardy of being hurt in any way.  We also thanked the client and let her know that if she ever needed us we would be there for her in the future.  This concludes the report of the Grover St. home case.